Preah Thong Neang Neak Khmer Legends - Dharma4world

Preah Thong Neang Neak Khmer Legends

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 Preah Thong Neang Neak is a legend that is said to be related to the birth of Khmer territory, with Preah Thong and Neang Neak being the parents and ancestors who created the first Khmer nation. First of all.Buddha Prophecy

At the time when the Buddha was about 80 years old, he wandered everywhere to heal all beings. He traveled along the shores of the ocean to an island with a lotus tree branch. Under the lotus tree, there is a deep cave, which is the entrance of the Dragon King to visit the pavilion, the place is flat and should be a paradise.

On the lotus tree, there is a fighting animal living peacefully. When the sun goes down and the moon rises in turn, the Buddha and Ananda go to rest under the lotus tree. The angel guarding the lotus tree prepared a place to receive himAnd the devas who will come to worship the Buddha. King Phu Chong Neak, who came out to the pavilion at Toul Deum Thlok, when he saw the Buddha, he pretended to be a human being and led his entourage to worship the goddess Jin Srey and asked him to give a sermon to heal all the dragons. At the same time, Indrakosi, gods, sons, deities, fairies and demigods everywhere

They also gathered in large numbers to worship the Lord Buddha. Early in the morning, the Buddha began to meditate on all the near and far beings that he had to go to heal. Then he ate. Unable to resist the smell of delicious magic food

Who lived on the lotus tree came out to worship the Master Buddha. He threw the rice to the beast for food. Delicious chewing gum licking mouth licking tongue and tongue  

Coming out shows the satisfaction of the taste of food. When he saw the fight, his tongue split in two, and the Buddha bowed his head and looked at the earth with a smile. Seeing this, Ananda was very surprised and worshiped and asked him to explain the reason. He also predicted that in the future, this land island would become a powerful kingdom with a large territory, the people lived happily, peacefully and prosperous. A pure-hearted beast, after following the teachings of the Buddha, after leaving this world, will be born as the son of the king of the Indra kingdom, who reigned in the kingdom of the mainland. Then the Dragon King will come out and prepare the land for him. He would name the mainland "Kampuchea Thipdei", which other kingdoms would call "Srok Khmer" Indratiraj will also order Vishnu, the son of God, to come down and build many other great temples. But the people of Cambodia are not sincere and respectful of their words. Speech often has a different meaning about the mind that thinks, because it has a tongue split in two like a fighting animal that is its grandfather. When the Buddha is finished, he goes on a journey to heal other beings. 

About the history of Preah Thong

At that time, in the kingdom of Indochina, there was a king named Atichvong who had five sons. And the fourth son, Preah Thong, was in charge of the southern province. As for the fifth son, who was the youngest, he was left to live with him in the royal palace. And it came to pass in those days, that there was no king in all the land, and that the king was very old; and he sent his youngest son to be a prince in his place. Everyone, including the three kings, bowed down to the youngest son, representing the king, in the traditional way. Except for one of them, who did not bow down to the custom, because he thought that the Father had already handed over the throne to you. According to other documents, the king had already handed over the throne to his youngest son.

In a fit of rage, on his return from the festival, Preah Thong convened a meeting of all the officials.

To describe those events. He decided that in the future he would not attend any of the royal ceremonies. At that time, no prince dared to express any opinion. Everyone thinks only of playing in accordance with all points. From that day on, Preah Thong did not go in to worship his Father as usual. Knowing this, the younger brother asked his father for permission to visit him. When he came to see him, he knelt down and worshiped him, much to his surprise. After listening to your explanation all the way, Preah Thong realized his mistake and told you to ask your father for forgiveness on his behalf. He was overjoyed to learn that his youngest son had successfully solved this complex problem peacefully. Yes, he deserves to be king. But he also thought that Preah Thong was light-hearted, fierce, and did not think long and hard. Attitudes

What he did was also considered a betrayal and a nation. The penalty is the death penalty. All the princes and all the officials agreed with him. But since Preah Thong used to have the merit of

Defending the country, the princes and officials only asked for his deportation. 

Preah Thong was born in the year 232 BC, which is 312 BC. At the age of 16, he set out to occupy the southern provinces. Twenty years later, at the age of 35, he was exiled by his father. More than a billion princes, officers, and people who loved and respected him (some documents say only 100,000) were willing to leave the kingdom to live in the procession. The exiles were ordered by the king to cut their "legs" in the wrong way, in order to prove that they were of no race or ethnicity. Preah Thong ordered the army to disembark the boat, the convoy floated along the river, led the troops to travel through the forest down to the south until they reached Phnom Dangrek, which is an uninhabited wilderness area. Preah Thong convoys and men and women came to the dock at the Dangrek mountain range. He also ordered an anchor to land on the mainland. The place was named after the district "Kru Khan" "Kork Khan" which is located north of the Dangrek mountain range today. In this episode, some other genealogies confirm that Preah Thong and his entourage volunteered to stay in Samrong Tong district, which is known as "Boeung Pong Peay" until today. Preah Thong assigned officials to negotiate with the Cham king to build a bridge of friendship in the sense of living as friends in the region together. One day, Preah Thong and the Cham king named Aschai Jayaraj had a disagreement and caused a sea battle between the two groups. Preah Thong won the victory to defeat the Cham king who fled to hide in Champasak, which is now Laos. Now Preah Thong has ruled the mainland alone. Name this kingdom "The Land Kingdom". Later, many scholars and scholars, large and small, came to settle in crowded places on the mainland. Preah Thong ordered scholars to translate the Sanskrit script into the Khmer script for everyday use. He was also actively involved in the construction of Phum Nokor district in the fields of agriculture and economy. In terms of religious beliefs, there are more and more Buddhist monks and nuns in the land of Nokor Thlok.
